Visiting Mike Boyle’s MBSC, the No.1 Gym in America
Flexcushion inventor Nao Sakata visited MBSC, the No.1 gym ranked by Men’s Health magazine.
Meeting Coach Mike Boyle and Coach Kevin Carr! Many Flexcushion have been used at MBSC since 2012!

Grateful for the Extensive Use of Flexcushion Since 2012
Excited to hear from MBSC gym members, ‘You made the Flexcushion? This tool is amazing!’ Glad I wore the special Flexcushion T-shirt. Thankful
Flexcushion featured on Mike Boyle’s American Golf Digest YouTube!
Mike Boyle’s exercise ‘Heel Sits’ on MBSC YouTube
Coach Kevin Carr’s Hip Flexor Stretch with Flexcushion
Flexcushion also spotted on MBSC’s Instagram!
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